Monday, February 21, 2011

School 2.0 Results and Reflection

Reflection for School 2.0 Results (NETS-T 3,4, &5)
This exercise showed me that I need the most work in NET-S 5, which is to engage in professional growth and leadership.  According to this survey I am most proficient in NET-S 1.  This is to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity.  So I decided to explore one of the resources in NET-S 5.  I was directed to the website  This is basically a social network for those interested in web 2.0 and social media in education.  They had upcoming online events and a large forum database.  They also allowed you to set up your own account and get involved in the conversation.  Some of the discussions were around things such as google docs and wikispaces.  I learned that there are many resources out there for teachers to access to help them integrate and use technology effectively in your own classroom.  Having people to communicate with can be very helpful.  I could see myself going to sites like this when I am a teacher to get ideas and input to help me with technology in the classroom.  There are so many different tools out there that sites like this one can expose me to.

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